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Fact 31: Alice in Chains recorded 30 songs for Tripod

Did you know Alice in Chains recorded 30 songs for Tripod?


According to Sean Kinney: This time we didn't have any completed songs when we went into the studio. It took us four months on and off to finish the album. We would take two or three weeks off at a time. This album was pretty much written in the studio. We recorded about 30 songs. The other albums were much more rehearsed before we went in.

Did you know that Nick Terzo didn´t want Toby Wright as the producer for Tripod?


According to Nick Terzo: The third album was when Alice in Chains accomplished their goal of boxing me out. I heard very few demos. They picked Toby Wright, who I brought in once to engineer something for them. I would not have picked Toby Wright. I think he was more of an engineer, and they could have used a full-on producer again. At the time, I didn’t think he had the experience to deal with the challenges he was going to face.


 Fact 32: Nick Terzo didn´t want Toby Wright as the producer for Tripod

Did you know there are a lot of Jerry Cantrell´s influences on Tripod?


According to Cantrell : On this record I did something that started to scare me for a while. I started to really hear a lot of other influences that I listened to growing up. They really started to flow freely. I'd go, "Okay, that's sounds like Brian May to me," or "That sounds like Eddie there." There's a riff on the end of "Frogs" that reminds me of "Bridge of Sighs," with that roto-vibe. This record probably has the most clear flow of my influences of anything I've done before. I could point out fifty of them from Brian May to Lindsay Buckingham, Davey Johnstone to Hendrix, Iommi to Page; there's all kinds of shit on there. There's some riffs that are pretty obvious and I started to feel really weird when that started to happen.


Fact 33: Are a lot of Jerry Cantrell´s influences on Tripod

Did you know the dog from the cover álbum,Sunshine, was ran over by a car twice?


Cantrell: "I just love this dog, her name is Sunshine, Sunny. She was in our first video. She got her leg ripped off chasing a motherfucking car. Then she gets fixed up, goes home, recovers, and then goes out and chases another car and gets ripped up again. She's just a scrappy fucking dog. I love her."



Fact 34: The dog from the cover álbum,Sunshine, was ran over by a car twice

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